Cross-curricular topics

Dinosaur activities
Dinosaur colouring pages, info cards to fill in, bookmarks, topic covers and an acrostic poem worksheet.

Queen Elizabeth II and the Royal family
A set of resources looking at the royal family and the young Queen Elizabeth II.

Christmas display pack - headings and lettering
The Three Wise Men
The Nativity
A-Z LETTERING - Includes all upper and lower cases, numbers and punctuation.
Christmas Stockings.

Year 5 science - Famous scientists - Nicolaus Copernicus
A powerpoint about the life and discoveries of Copernicus, with a quiz about his seven assumptions.

Nocturnal animals powerpoint
A 30 page PowerPoint file, explaining what nocturnal animals are; why they come out at night; how they feed and live etc. The animals include:
The file also includes a page of related vocabulary, how nocturnal animals see, and looking for evidence of nightime activity.

Transport topic - canals powerpoint
Powerpoint on the development of canals and canals around the world today. Explains how canals were the method of transporting goods before the railways; how the barges were pulled along by horses; and how they were built.

EYFS Food topic: Number rhymes pack
A set of number rhyme resources to use when teaching about food in the Early Years. It includes display headings, rhymes, props etc.
The rhymes are:
One potato Two potato
5 Big Lemons
5 Crispy Pancakes
5 Currant Buns
5 Fat Peas
10 Fat Sausages

Christmas powerpoint pack - Nativity story, winter poetry, problem solving, Xmas carols
5 Little Reindeer: The song
Can you solve the problems for Santa - 15 problem solving questions (Suitable for Y1, but you could adapt it for other years)
Christmas around the World - How Christmas is celebrated in 12 other countries
Christmas Carols - Words for Silent Night; The First Noel; We Three Kings; Away in a Manger
Christmas Songs - Words for Frosty the Snowman; Jingle Bells; Must be Santa; Rudolph the red-nosed reindeer; We wish you a Merry Christmas
Christmas Facts - Interesting facts about Christmas
Jingle Bells - The song
The Nativity Story
The Three Kings poem
Twinkle Twinkle
Winter Poetry

EYFS Animals topic: Number rhymes pack
A set of number rhyme resources to use during an Animal topic in the Early Years. It includes display headings, rhymes, props etc.
The rhymes are:
5 Baby turtles
5 Little birds
5 Little monkeys bouncing
5 Little monkeys swinging
5 Little spiders
8 Enormous dinosaurs

Portugal powerpoint and headings
The powerpoint covers the following:
Where is Portugal?: With maps showing the location of Portugal.
What is Portugal like?: Images of Portugal; different geographical features
Living in Portugal: Pictures of everyday life in Portugal - streets, shops, schools, houses etc.
Portuguese people: What life is like in Portugal - culture, traditional dress, language etc
The history of Portugal: a brief history from Roman times to present.

Feelings / emotions cards
Four different card sets containing different emotions. The sets include:
18 cards showing different emotions with photographs of girls’ faces
18 cards showing different emotions with photographs of boys’ faces
12 cards with different emoticons
9 cards with girl clipart faces
Plus 2 A4 sheets of black and white emoticons to use for activities with the children.

Short history of the United Kingdom powerpoint
A 14 page powerpoint suitable for primary children showing the changes in the four countries of the UK from the Iron Age tribes to today. The presentation explains how Scotland, England, Wales and Ireland got their names, and how Britain and the UK were names.
The pages are headed:
Iron Age Tribes
The Roman Conquest
The Vikings
The Norman Conquest
The Middle Ages
The Tudors
The Stuarts
Georgian Britain
Victorian Britain and the British Empire
Irish Independence
The Commonwealth
The European Union

Remembrance Day powerpoint lessons and display
Why are people wearing Poppies this week?
Who do we remember on Remembrance Day
Why do we have Remembrance Day?
What happens on Remembrance Day?
In Flander’s Field. (Poem)
Lest we forget A4 heading
Remembrance Day lettering - includes 'Remembrance Day' which prints out onto 4 A4 sheets for a banner, plus upper and lower case letters, numbers, and punctuation to personalise your display.